Dorf Fortress – Year 1

Table of Contents

YEAR 1 (Y.100) – GRANITE – MR. TEX

FORTRESS NAME – THREEBEARD (MEZDURAD) founded by Igathomem (ScrapedGroup)

Start – THE WORLD OF ORAM MINBAZ “The World of Enchanting”

We begin in a tree-infested meadow with some unknown river (Frozen) to the south, and bluffs to the north. The decision was made immediately to destroy all of the trees, lest elves feel at home here. I shall take this mission to my grave – leave no tree upright, we are a people of rock and stone. We are a people of hard work. Nature has no grip on our endeavors, and thus we shall STRIKE THE EARTH.

As you can see, these filthy trees have infested our mining site, and thus must be eliminated immediately. I have set all trees within line of sight of our wagon to be dismantled, torn from the earth, and cut into logs as quickly as possible.

I, Texicus the 1st Letmossarek, do hereby declare all these infesting trees to be ruining our most mighty land, and thus, must be rendered into barrels, charcoal, beds, and other sundry gifts for the elves. The snow which has fallen upon my brow, shall crease it for the last time as I descend into the depths of glory and madness.

Note – I am treecutter by profession, so I leave this mining task to the able miners.  I will defend our home from the perils of the wooded realm.

16th Granite

We have excavated three layers, and have found immediately and most pleasingly, walls of clay. These shall suit our farming efforts, and I can only hope that fools do not expand the SAND ABOVE US as a layer, which shall certainly doom us all in a most pathetic manner. Death by sand, who would imagine such an inglorious end.

18th Granite

I have set my fellows to the tasks of digging out our farming and boozery layers, unfortunately the tree cutting has encountered SPIT FROM THE HEAVENS IN THE FORM OF SNOW. WHICH I HATE. Therefore: A roof is in order…

19th Granite

Our Trade Depot is constructed from LOGS which we have PLENTY OF as I find they are near useless for anything but chasing elves away, and of course, building things to offend them… I hope the traders bring anything other than wood. We have too much.

28th Granite

The Farming layer is complete, with all fixtures and fittings made of FRESH CUT CEDAR because FUCK ELVES. Also cedar is pleasing to the smell and complements the room layout. It adds some warmth. If it doesn’t suffice, we’ll burn it.

2nd Slate

The miners are swearing, we struck A damned aquifer right under our farm. This why the soil is so good, and yet, nobody has mined here yet. I WILL SOLVE THIS. NATURE MUST BE BENT TO ARMOKS WILL.

5th Slate

I have finished a wall of wood to hold back the seeping waters of nature. Let us hope this is the end of it. . . surely nature can tame nature with nature. We have too many damn logs.

9th slate

Early attempts at going deeper into the earth have revealed additional aquifer issues. I spoke with the lads, and we’re pressing on. Continuing to punch through, hoping for simpler solutions. This is costing us precious time. Winter will be here far before we’re ready at this rate.

23rd Slate

The next layer down is better, we also have Bituminous Coal. This is most pleasing…We won’t have to rely entirely on wood to stoke our furnaces, and we may lessen our requirement on charcoal in time. If we can find iron as well, we can have good steelworks before too long.

13th Felsite

I have supervised the Construction of workshop layers for wood and stonecrafting industries, exempting metal ores of course as we yet to establish a functional forge space. These initial steps are complete, so we can at least have the basics of industry and remove some of these damned stones from the floor. I chose a pleasing diamond shape to please our chances of prosperity amongst the gods.

Also please note, destruction of the useless forest has yielded peachwood floors for our food area. Which is pleasing. Mostly.

5th Hematite

Work Progresses toward living area for 32 Dwarves, plus allotments for dining areas and/or guild areas as required. All dwarves at current are very much alive and well. Armok be Praised. We can handle additional migrants as required and they should be faced with nothing short of ample living space. And no excuse to start working immediately upon arrival. I just need time to finish the work before any arrive.

14th Malachite

Migrants have descended upon the relative calm of our tree cutting operation / elf removal area. This is unfortunate, as I had not time to fully prepare for all of these damn additional dwarves. That being said, they shall be immediately pressed into the labor pool. Note, above ground construction continues, and we have laid a wall of limestone brick and are pressing forward with our flooring of choice Cherry wood.

5th Galena

The beginnings of our PYRAMID are complete! We shall have a fantastic stone pyramid reaching to the heavens to fully praise armok! Also it will be furnished with the finest of furnishings we can make. Probably of wood. Because we have a lot.

22nd Galena

We have begun a road, a fine road, a road free of trees and grasses and damn useless plants. The road out front leads past the “Stink room” wherein our enemies (elves / Squirrels) shall reside upon their destruction for daring to cross into my tree cutting operation.

11th Limestone

The Caravan has arrived. We shall see what riches they offer us. We have near nothing to trade. I hope they go away telling proud stories of all the trees we have destroyed. I told the “representative” of the mountain homes that I ask for Cheeses, Seeds, and digging implements. I offered a trade of Logs. Namely, half the forest for what items he possessed.

Note – over 1100 logs were identified for sale. We shall see if he wishes any of them.

Note: he had room for four logs. He did not seem pleased.

24th Limestone


26th Limestone

Correction. Only like, 3 migrants. So I was a bit overreacting. Sorry, I was upset that they didn’t want to take money in LOG COIN.

10th Sandstone

With work underway into the living areas, I have decided to send people to the layer below to construct additional workspaces and finished good stockpiles. I have chosen the format of a diamond so that it is pleasing to the gods, who shall hopefully favor us with similar riches in stone, if not gems.

16th Sandstone

I have taken logs to my bed to remind me of my enemy at all times. Please know this isn’t weird, I just hate trees that much. I shall be reminded of their PINEY SAP and take them to sleep, so that I may fight them in my dreams.

2nd Timber

I hate this month’s name. I have completed work upon the crafts area, to include double gem cutting stations, double wood furnaces, double craftsdorfs shops, and double mechanics shops should we require them. . .

24th Timber

I have added additional logs to my room, because I hate them, and I wish again, to be reminded of work incomplete in this inconsolable elflands.

27th Timber

It began to snow again. Snow twice in one year. What is this terrible place. I long for the deep and dark caverns below. May Armok blot out the sun, and remove the snow from this land. . .

15th Moonstone

Many projects near completion, with a few begun. The “Stinkamid” or, as some have called, the “stinkarrat” is begun, which shall hold the corpses of many elves, squirrels, and our no doubt forgotten grazing animals…which I forgot we brought with us. Some have died somewhere in the fortress as they are too dumb to eat and licked the walls and tried to eat rocks until they died. Good riddance.

The Great Limestone Pyramid, made of freshly hewn limestone blocks turned by our own stonesmiths has reached a mighty height!

The Great Booze Stockpile grows by the day, and we are only using one of our FOUR farms at ½ capacity, meaning the potential for export of our fine BOOZE is unlimited!!!

Further Below, our great living area, complete with furniture made of USELESS TREES is near complete for the first 15 inhabitants, some of which complain because these rooms are not perfect . . . yet.

5th Obsidian

Winter is upon us, our hard work is complete, and we have closed the ROOF over our humble fort. I shall leave the top of our Pyramid to be completed once we find MIGHTY METALS to appropriately show our reverence to the gods.

With our supplies ample for the time being, including a sufficient alcohol reserve to last the winter, we have begun engraving to beautify our surrounds. Our first inspired cut is of gems which shall harken an age of glorious wealth.

YEAR 2 (Y.101) 1st Granite

I tender my resignation as Expedition leader of this most CURSED PLACE with knowledge that we are safe, the trees surrounding us have been thinned, and we have enough alcohol to float a party barge. – TEXICUS the 1st.

Elf in meat grinder Courtesy of Spunky

The Murder Depot


Project proposal and infographic created by Masochism Tango

Quish Illustrations

The following dwarf illustrations by Quish:

Rock and Stone – by Cookie