Dear people who love stellaris: Play sins of a solar empire: rebellion.
Now consider this: SOASE is 10 years old. It is cheap. It actually runs well, and was updated as recently as a year ago. You can play an entire game with your friends in one sitting or a few, and it doesnt go down to 4 frames a second even on a monster PC. Consider, if you want a space game thats strategy-ish and you don’t devolve into that whole nonsense of “But tex, Stellaris is a 4x and Sins of a Solar empire didn’t pay for advertisements like stellaris did so stellaris is the only space game there is. Also stellaris DLC is coming out that’s gonna add things that the launch title should have had you need to get the season pass!” Okay, maybe you wont say all that. Just saying, if you want a space game that you can actually finish that lets you nuke planets until they’re dead, play this one. Its cheaper and more fun. Also Giant death-star ships and planetkillers aren’t a barely functional mod – they’re in the DAMN GAME.
Just sayin’.
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound